There would be an omnipresence of a location on the map

If we can track the Sun’s precise location in direct relevance to a computer’s location, using the Sun’s own energy to do this, and apply it to the BIOS of the motherboard, (being it a quantum computer i think), the human race will become sane.

There would be an omnipresence of a location on the map, meaning that every human would know exactly which direction, immediately from their own eyes, the location of the Sun and the Moon at every essence of movement in the eternal now, because this would be our calendar. The fact that all human is one brain would be realized, which means every human would consciously use all of their brain.

The setting of the correct date and time in the BIOS of the motherboards in the computers we use today, plays an important part in the functioning of each individual computer. I have experienced a computer not functioning at all, and when i set the correct date and time in an accordingly fashion in the BIOS of this particular computer, it began to function again. I don’t know much about the quantum computers but i am excited with the thought that they are on the horizon. If we can figure out a way to track the exact placement of the Sun’s location by using the Sun’s own energy as a tool to do this, we could replace the need for the element of the Gregorian calendar date and time on the BIOS of the motherboard aspect of the quantum computer, with this knowing to extreme precision, of where the Sun’s location is in direct correlation to each individual computer.

Can you imagine the all encompassing chronological awakened majesty of that network of computers, is consciously us?

In the early stages, merely by having the precise relative location between a computer and the Sun, means you have two distinct placements. You have an interval. A chord is born from an interval. All movement can been observed from this harmonic birth. The rotation of the earth could be plotted from this relationship, and the ecliptical movement of the earth traveling around the sun could be precisely observed using the star constellations that the Sun appears to travel through as it looks to go around us.

This is all in each individual computer’s BIOS. It is the foundation of each computer coming into being.

If we could then have the BIOS being able to know exactly where the galaxy center is and focus on the vortex of the black hole, we would have the foundation of a universe map that shows where the computer is in its exact location. i imagine that by having the location of the computer relevant to the location of the Sun, the precise location of the galactic center can be calculated using mathematical formula.

The long term goal would be to find a way that the computer BIOS could know where the black hole is from the specific energy of black holes. If we can do that, all doors will open. It would be a vortex energy locational living brain subatomic ethereal system. The universe would become a network of vortexes which is our brain, and this would connect us with other universes.

All this has you knowing exactly where you are in the verse. With the whole world using this map as the calendar, the human brain would directly connect so much that it would awaken to its natural state which i believe is that all human is one large brain and this is everything that is, in the same way that one brain is everything that is. i see human has the potential to become the one soul sovereignty that it is, but the brain is not limited to just human. This brain is the verse.

The basic way to see your day to day is that the month begins when the Sun and the Moon are on the same side of the earth and all three heavenly bodies are traversing each other to create and alignment. This is the new Moon and there are four quarters that are the weeks of the universal world month which occurs in a precise now of unison for every human on planet Earth. This is where we can find the door to not only harmony, but the door to the realization of us being the verse.

The more i evolve, the more it feels like everything that is, is our imagination. There is nothing else. This allows the ability of the conscious grasp of the infinite. It allows everything for you to awaken. Nothing need end or begin. Nothing need be or not be. It is simply a book.

You are the author.

The subversiveness of the real compounds the know to not, as the image creates verse the brain shall be.

Author: Elf

i'm high functional autistic. entry almost new year apr2024; all my life have a weird perspective hardwired into me that i can't shift. i know all other people don't see this and i even know it is not going to happen, but i firmly feel that when people hear what i have to suggest, that they will go, "oh yes, lets do that because that is how it is and all will be wonderful", and of course it hasn't happened, but something keeps me walking toward that anyway. it truly is an autistic thing, in that i'm thinking, how come they don't do that? can't they see it? isn't it straight forward and a clear picture? It is just too totally different brain builds i think, but i'm in a loop because of it. It's like i'm trying to find the one who does see it and until then i'm lost. i do know i don't do things very well though. I think i'm doing it totally wrong and everyone can see it and i have not the ability to fix it. i never stop working on it but i fail every second. entry early april, just before the real time natural calendar new year 2024 much not of linghand hand world, work can't much or train can't much sick coz is, but inggo go do keep i. thank you i grateful much much. "Entry new new solstice winter 2023 brain brain break break now now over edge push push I break break it break break answer answer no no no can can hit hit head head 5years old old hit hit head head life life in in later later articulate can can but but go go letting letting now now safety i imagination powerful vivid face can can violin bow bow get i get i excited yay yay" brain brain let let break break, world can change i i it change change it it all all it it. can can change world if brain break. back back front front come come what is is. Fili head head hit hit bolt bolt on on 5 years old when when Fili head head hit hit peat re peat re peat re peat ed ted ted ted li li li li re back back of of of of fist fist with with years old eleven ven ven ven when when Fili head head hit hit car car mirror mirror eye eye brow brow split split accident dent Fili head head hit hit concrete concrete faint faint split split skin skin eye brow brow big big life life in in later later Fili head head hit hit roof roof incab incab tor tor track track neck neck damage midge midge fili brain brain damage impair pair pair pair pair im im damaged damaged brain brain Fili autism born born fili wednesday day born born born fili fili happy happy now now. Face face can can can can danger danger scary scary bully bully over edge edge er push er push push dude dude gang gang. fili scientist be be stuff stuff build build vision see see can can will will yay yay yay yay. Wednesday Wednesday bow bow violin lin wand wand yay yay. --------------------------------------------------------------- entry origin ginal al I have a limitless imagination. My brain is different and all i've ever wanted to do is be a super hero and fly. Basically, i just want to dance. i'm a dancer. i trained in ballet and ballroom extensively when i was younger. I’ve not met anyone who speaks my language. My life has been dramatic since i could cognize. All people who come in contact with me, want me to be something that i not only can't be, but i am not, and they all want me to be this for them, knowing full well that it's never going to happen. i am alien and they know it but deny it. People depict what human is in effort to not have me different or unique, but i am unmistakably different and cannot be what i am not. What is left out always is that an alien being is also capable of love. Every being is love. The word alien does not mean i wasn't born to this realm, but i have lived and alienated life constantly being told that i must learn to be different than i am, as i have described. I am not allowed to say what i have just said. (maybe i could be so bold to say that i'm a trashed child prodigy. Trashed from the beginning so this is what we get). (It's no-one's fault. It just is.) I believe i have found a tool to help bring every facet of Mother Earth back to the garden of Eden she is by having all human know exactly where they are in the movement of the eternal now. i really do want to give this concept of the unclock to the human. i never stop working on it. i want it to arrive now and i want it to be free and it can be. Please forgive me if i may not come to your site. This is because i am autistic and to an extremely over-sensitive level. I am so deeply grateful for your gift of visiting me thank you and much love from Soli/Elf and the rest of me